Find the support you need to free yourself from the childhood traumas and conditioning that prevent you from living a free, creative, and authentic life. When we feel and see our conditioning and pain clearly, we become free of it – free to allow who we really are to flourish. We are much greater and more wonderful than we think. A chance to set yourself free!

Breakthrough to the essential you

“When a child is born, he does not bring the ego into the world. The ego is something that he learns, it is not part of genetics.”  Osho

Growing up is a process of forming a separate identity in response to our environment. Even at its most benign, the conditioning that helps bring about our sense of identity is based on a falsehood, the illusion of separation. Competition and fear flourish in the soil of this lie, opening us up to exploitation by those who provide us with a sense of safety. The price we pay for this security is to be molded by a series of do’s and don’ts that undermine our self-responsibility and cut us off from our true, spontaneous nature.

“All thoughts are borrowed: they also are given to you by the society; they too have come from others. You have learned them. In reality, you are the untaught that is within you. You are only consciousness, not the thoughts. Thoughts are like waves over you. Just as rubbish floats on the surface of a river, so are thoughts. But you are the river, the stream of consciousness.”  Osho

Osho’s guidance is that primal work is specifically designed for those from western cultures with western conditioning.
Participants may only sign up for the Primal Mirror course after completing an application form, which is part of the process and thus confidential. To receive this form, please write to Bela expressing your interest in the course.
Each participant needs to return this application form to the same email address before the start of the course or you will not be able to register for the course.


We can succumb to the past, or we can revolt against it, but both reactions keep us trapped. Instead, we can explore our conditioning and, by seeing it clearly in the mirror of consciousness, become free of it – free to allow who we really are to flourish.

We will use self-enquiry techniques such as mirrorwork, expression through drawing and writing, and share our experiences in the group as a whole and in Zoom breakout rooms. This combination of self-enquiry and group sharing will allow you to open up and connect deeply with yourself in a safe and trusting atmosphere.

Your experienced facilitator will help you to clearly see the entangling emotions, beliefs and identifications that are keeping you trapped.


  • To understand the realm of your Inner Child
  • The difference between your Natural Inner Child and your Wounded Inner Child
  • What to do when you get identified with your Wounded Inner Child
  • How to strengthen the adult part inside you and, by doing so, have the tools to change your present experiences
  • Meditative techniques that allow you to move beyond your conditioning into being – into who you are at your very center


  • A LIVE online, 3-day course.
  • Friday approximately 10 hours online with regular breaks away from the computer screen, including OSHO Kundalini Meditation.
  • Saturday and Sunday approximately 12 hours online with regular breaks away from the computer screen, including OSHO Dynamic and Kundalini Meditations
  • Various techniques to explore issues related to your childhood and how these are influencing your present life
  • Osho insights and quotes about early childhood conditioning
  • Q&A sessions with your facilitator
  • OSHO Active Meditations

“As you go on removing the layers… And layer means identification with something you are not. Identification is taking yourself to be what you are not. To break the identification with what you are not, is meditation. Meditation is the key. By and by, only what you really are remains.”  Osho

25 July 2025 – ZOOM (CET time zone)
Dates And Timings
Starting Date:    25 July 2025 Starting Time:    9:00 am
Course Dates:    26 July 2025 Timings:    07:00 - 19:00
Last Course Date:    27 July 2025 Timings:    07:00 - 19:00
Course Venue

OSHO International Online - ZOOM

OSHO International Online


OSHO International Online - ZOOM

OSHO International Online

Affiliated with: CAT – Collective Alternative Therapists

Complaint and disciplinary law

I am registered as a CAT (Collective Alternative Therapists) therapist under Wkkgz-right of complaint and disciplinary law in the dispute resolution body GAT (Disputes Alternative Therapists). GAT is a national recognized and fully independent Wkkgz disputes Committee in the Netherlands, however for complaints from abroad there is until further notice no complaint procedure.

New European privacy law
The General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) applies as of 25 May 2018. This is a new European privacy law. As a result, privacy is the same in all countries of the EU. Now the member states still have their own national laws.

The General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) thus replaces the old Personal Data Protection Act (Wbp), which prescribes that healthcare providers properly secure medical records. For example, they must ensure that only authorized persons have access to a patient’s file.
The AVG lists a number of mandatory measures that a therapist has to meet because they record data in client-files.

To support a good treatment, it is necessary that I, as your therapist, make notes and keep them in a encrypted digital file. This is also a statutory duty imposed by the Medical Treatment Contracts Act (W

Storage period
These details in the client file, as required by the law on the treatment agreement (WGBO), are retained for 15 years.

Patients’ rights
The rights of patients with their medical records are secured partly in the WGBO, and partly in the Wbp. Patients have the right to view their medical records and to request correction, addition or destruction of their files.

What exactly is saved
Your file contains notes about your personal details, health status and short notes of the date and course of the treatments performed. For courses this consists of the questionnaire and any additional questions.

In the file, data are also included, if necessary, that are necessary for your treatment and that I have requested, after your explicit consent, from a care provider, e.g. from your (other) therapist or general practitioner.

Who sees what
As your attending therapist, I have sole access to the data in your file. I have a legal duty of confidentiality (professional secrecy).

When a course is organized abroad, and translation is necessary, the organizer and translator have access to the data and they work under a signed mutual duty of confidentiality.

The data from your file can also be used for the following purposes:
1.    To inform other health care providers, for example if the therapy has been completed or with a referral to another therapist. This only happens with your explicit permission.
2.    For the anonymized use during peer review.
3.    A limited part of the data from your file can be used for the financial administration, so that I can draw up an invoice.
4.    The invoice is, if necessary, consulted with my tax advisor for making the annual tax return and any tax inspection.
If I want to use your data for another reason, I will first inform you and ask your permission explicitly.

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