An intense residential primal process that uses various regression and emotional release techniques to work on the conditioning that got formed in the first 7 years of our lives – the blueprint of which we become, unconsciously, as adults.

Freeing oneself from life-negative conditioning – for a more authentic lifestyle

“All personality is false. Good personality, bad personality, the personality of a sinner and the personality of a saint – all are false. You can wear a beautiful mask or an ugly mask, it doesn’t make any difference. The real thing is your essence.”  Osho

Conditioning is given to us by parents, family, teachers, and society – it is a learned behavior. It fuels all that is false about us by maintaining the personality – a mask. This in turn disconnects us from our individuality and intrinsic essence – the place inside us where we feel at home, connected and at ease.

“Parental conditioning is the greatest slavery in the world. It has to be completely uprooted; only then will man be able to be really free for the first time, truly free, authentically free – because the child is the father of man. If the child is brought up in a way that is wrong, then the whole of humanity goes wrong.”  Osho

This process works through the layers of our personality which manifest as self-destructive behavior, addictions, and co-dependency issues.

We use different techniques, to re-connect with the healthy child within us – to set it free from the “hypnosis” of the past. And we will experience how meditation allows us to acknowledge our wounds while we remain in a space that is essentially untouched by them.

“Whatever is repressed will have to be witnessed; whatever is buried inside will have to be faced. Wherever we have made ourselves blind, we will have to create eyes. We will have to undo the things we were taught to do as children and redo them in a totally different manner. We will have to return to that point in our childhood at which our energy was stolen. This is why all religiousness is nothing but the reclaiming of childhood.”  Osho

Meditation on a daily basis will embed this new freedom into our daily lives allowing us to maintain a healthier and more fulfilled life – living the truth of who we are each moment.


When we were not mirrored and accepted by our parents and/or caregivers in our true selves as a child, we had to cut off from our true potential. We had to build up a protective layer in order not to feel the pain of that. This layer became so strong over time that most of us completely forgot our essential qualities.

In Primal Deconditioning Intensive, through regression, gestalt therapy, rebirthing, and other techniques we find the way back to our true selves. Addressing the false beliefs about ourselves, we start to re-parent our “inner child”, we no longer need to act out its wounds in our present day-to-day life. And learning to distinguish the past from the present enables us to respond instead of reacting to life’s situations. We regain the natural flow of living our life according to our unique potential.


  • How to step out of the vicious circle of self-destructive behavior, addictions, and co-dependency issues
  • Learning to recognize our internalized parental voices
  • How to take responsibility for our own woundedness
  • To distinguish between the witness, the adult, the wounded child, and the natural, healthy inner child.
  • To understand that the only change can happen from within oneself
  • Meditative techniques that allow us to move beyond our conditioning – into being who we truly are


  • A live 6 or 7-day residential course running over approximately 18-hours per day
  • Daily practice of OSHO Dynamic and OSHO Kundalini Meditations
  • Different techniques to explore the issues that prevent us to live our life as we want to
  • Silence and isolation outside the group sharings
  • Daily homework and introspection exercises
  • Osho insights and quotes about early childhood conditioning
  • Q&A with the facilitator

Participants may only sign up for the Primal Deconditioning Intensive after completing an application form, which is part of the process and thus confidential. To receive this form, please write to the organizer of the course expressing your interest in the course.
Each participant needs to return this application form to Bela before the start of the course or you will not be able to register for the course.

“So, the first, the most important thing, is the innocence of the sage. It is like the innocence of the children – but only like. The innocence of children is bound to be corrupted, but the innocence of the sage cannot be corrupted anymore – he has passed through that phase. His innocence has maturity, his innocence has integrity; his innocence is earned – he deserves it.”  Osho

26 May 2025 – Holland
Dates And Timings
Starting Date:    26 May 2025 Starting Time:    4:00 pm
Course Dates:    27 May - 1 June 2025 Timings:    07:00 - 23:30
Last Course Date:    02 June 2025 Timings:    07:00 - 18:00
Course Venue

Centrum voor Zingeving

Brinkweg 2

8315 AA

Luttelgeest - Netherlands

Roger +31-6-21541751

Centrum voor Zingeving


Roger van Doggenaar



06 December 2025 – India
Dates And Timings
Starting Date:    06 December 2025 Starting Time:    9:00 am
Course Dates:    07 December to 10 December 2025 Timings:    06:00 - 23:30
Last Course Date:    11 December 2025 Timings:    06:00 - 20:30
Course Venue

OSHO International Meditation Resort

17 Koregaon Park, Lane 1



OSHO International Meditation Resort


OSHO International Meditation Resort

OSHO International Meditation Resort

04 January 2026 – India
Dates And Timings
Starting Date:    04 January 2026 Starting Time:    9:00 am
Course Dates:    05 - 09 January 2026 Timings:    06:00 - 23:30
Last Course Date:    10 January 2026 Timings:    06:00 - 20:30
Course Venue

OSHO International Meditation Resort

17, Koregaonpark, Lane 1



OSHO International Meditation Resort


OSHO International Meditation Resort

OSHO International Meditation Resort

12 May 2026 – Holland
Dates And Timings
Starting Date:    12 May 2026 Starting Time:    4:00 pm
Course Dates:    13 - 18 May 2026 Timings:    07:00 - 23:30
Last Course Date:    19 May 2026 Timings:    07:00 - 18:00
Course Venue

Centrum voor Zingeving

Brinkweg 2

8315 AA

Luttelgeest - Netherlands

Roger +31-6-21541751

Centrum voor Zingeving


Roger van Doggenaar



11 May 2027 – Holland
Dates And Timings
Starting Date:    11 May 2027 Starting Time:    4:00 pm
Course Dates:    12 - 17 May 2027 Timings:    07:00 - 23:30
Last Course Date:    18 May 2027 Timings:    07:00 - 18:00
Course Venue

Centrum voor Zingeving

Brinkweg 2

8315 AA

Luttelgeest - Netherlands

Roger +31-6-21541751

Centrum voor Zingeving


Roger van Doggenaar



Affiliated with: CAT – Collective Alternative Therapists

Complaint and disciplinary law

I am registered as a CAT (Collective Alternative Therapists) therapist under Wkkgz-right of complaint and disciplinary law in the dispute resolution body GAT (Disputes Alternative Therapists). GAT is a national recognized and fully independent Wkkgz disputes Committee in the Netherlands, however for complaints from abroad there is until further notice no complaint procedure.

New European privacy law
The General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) applies as of 25 May 2018. This is a new European privacy law. As a result, privacy is the same in all countries of the EU. Now the member states still have their own national laws.

The General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) thus replaces the old Personal Data Protection Act (Wbp), which prescribes that healthcare providers properly secure medical records. For example, they must ensure that only authorized persons have access to a patient’s file.
The AVG lists a number of mandatory measures that a therapist has to meet because they record data in client-files.

To support a good treatment, it is necessary that I, as your therapist, make notes and keep them in a encrypted digital file. This is also a statutory duty imposed by the Medical Treatment Contracts Act (W

Storage period
These details in the client file, as required by the law on the treatment agreement (WGBO), are retained for 15 years.

Patients’ rights
The rights of patients with their medical records are secured partly in the WGBO, and partly in the Wbp. Patients have the right to view their medical records and to request correction, addition or destruction of their files.

What exactly is saved
Your file contains notes about your personal details, health status and short notes of the date and course of the treatments performed. For courses this consists of the questionnaire and any additional questions.

In the file, data are also included, if necessary, that are necessary for your treatment and that I have requested, after your explicit consent, from a care provider, e.g. from your (other) therapist or general practitioner.

Who sees what
As your attending therapist, I have sole access to the data in your file. I have a legal duty of confidentiality (professional secrecy).

When a course is organized abroad, and translation is necessary, the organizer and translator have access to the data and they work under a signed mutual duty of confidentiality.

The data from your file can also be used for the following purposes:
1.    To inform other health care providers, for example if the therapy has been completed or with a referral to another therapist. This only happens with your explicit permission.
2.    For the anonymized use during peer review.
3.    A limited part of the data from your file can be used for the financial administration, so that I can draw up an invoice.
4.    The invoice is, if necessary, consulted with my tax advisor for making the annual tax return and any tax inspection.
If I want to use your data for another reason, I will first inform you and ask your permission explicitly.


  1. Sooyeon - medical doctor - Korea 16/01/2025at14:44

    To sum up my review in one sentence, “I am very sorry Bela, for all that I received from you was a love, an immense and pure love, that all of your effort to disguise it otherwise completely failed.”

    I encountered a pain issue in my solar plexus without knowing what that was specifically about. I have done many different courses, individual sessions, let alone a lot of time spent on cathartic meditation. Those helped me bit by bit. But I was still struggling with the remainder of the wound. I can now say that the wound is finally looked into and taken care of properly all thanks to you and the team. I see that understanding is of utmost importance for healing, and that the structures in a very targeted manner accompanied by a right understanding is truly groundbreaking. And it’s all thanks to you, that each one of us could get the right understanding. You really saw through us. It just felt unbelievable remarkable.

    Plus, it was enlightening to realize the things I inherited from my parents. I had been feeling unnecessary emotions unknowingly because of the conditioning. Dropping those off, I feel finally truly free. It would have been impossible to see those if it were not for you. In this regard, I am very happy that I had some trauma to work on so as to get the deconditioning as a bonus.

    Overall, I was just amazed by the way this course was put together. Helping me to get an access to childhood memories.
    I deeply appreciate all the support and love that you and the team has given me and us all from the very most bottom of my heart.
    So, it goes as I mentioned above, “I am very sorry Bela, for all that I received from you was a love, an immense and pure love, that all of your effort to disguise it otherwise completely failed.”

    Thank you sooooooooooo much.

  2. Stefano - Italy 15/12/2024at05:51

    I participated in the Primal Deconditioning Intensive at the age of 50 and the doors opened to a profound change in me.
    I felt accepted, expressing myself, and recognized myself in my essential qualities as had not yet happened to me, finding myself in a protected environment thanks to Bela’s compassion, watchfulness, deep understanding and intuition.
    When I returned home I realized that the world I previously related to had changed, for the better, because I had incorporated my change, feeling more spontaneous, centered, responsible, self-confident, open, available to share, …
    I had the gift of being able to help in a subsequent Primal Deconditioning Intensive and what I received from the Process, Bela and the participants is far greater than the help I gave.
    I can recommend the Primal Deconditioning Intensive to anyone who wants to recognize themselves clearly and start a profound change in their life.

  3. Katalina - USA 23/10/2024at04:58

    I feel so lucky to have met Bela and found myself in her Primal Deconditioning Intensive workshop last year. There are few people I have seen demonstrate such deep love, listening, and attention for their fellow human beings. Through all the grief and anger we were experiencing, she was there, constant and strong, holding a powerful gentleness… showing us how to do the same for ourselves.
    At the same time, what is unique about Bela is that she is not afraid to challenge her participants. I’m sure there are many great leaders of the Primal workshop, but it seems to me Bela has some kind of supernatural ability or X-ray vision from having done this work for so long… allowing her to peer into people, and help them see themselves more clearly.
    I went in with certain narratives about myself and my childhood that I had held for a long time, and Bela was not shy about questioning these stories… leading me eventually to come to totally new understandings of my past, and release old beliefs and behaviors that had not been serving me.
    Since Primal, I experience life so differently. I see myself differently… I see others differently… I have been able to let so much more love in… Bela – thank you so much!

  4. Bodhi Urbanus - The Netherlands 18/06/2024at09:19

    For a long time I felt that my energy was not flowing but I never could find out what it was. This was a very uncomfortable feeling with the result of holding back. holding back in my relation, in my work, in my daily life etc. After Primal I could see and experience some deep and very old patterns. Sometimes it was scary to go there, in that dark and hidden place. It was a GoNoGo GoNoGo GoNoGo GoNoGo experience and every day I could go a bit deeper.
    Thanks for the safety to let my inner child bit by bit coming out of my strong armoured shell.

  5. Hilde - Belgium 02/06/2023at18:50

    Primal has pierced my illusion of a happy childhood. I have gained insight in my survival strategies, which was very confrontational.
    For the first time in my life, i have become aware of what prevents me to live a happy and free life.
    Primal gives me the courage to change old patterns and to take responsibility for my own happiness.
    Now, there is only one way forward.

  6. Georgiana Enache - Romania 24/05/2023at08:07

    Thank you, Bela, for these days of primal deconditioning! It was painful, full of tears, napkins, sweat. I did therapy for several years, hours of coaching, but I was “careful” not to touch on certain topics. In this process (extremely beneficial for me), you managed to guide me towards the most delicate topics, and the environment I felt safe to open up to. I didn’t think that after so much pain there could be so much release. Thank you for the complete and sound guidance you have given me!
    Last but not least, I want to say that I am grateful to the team. Valuable people who have been there every step of the way. I feel that these people gave me tremendous support when I needed it.
    It’s wonderful to feel connected to my inner child and I feel like I exist, I feel complete.

  7. Charlotte, Psychologist - Germany 03/05/2023at15:41

    There always was this voice in my head, constantly criticizing, questioning and doubting everything I did. Sometimes loudly, sometimes just very very subtly. The work I did in Primal and 1:1 sessions with Bela allowed me to be able to silence this voice. Now my life gets to be peaceful, happy and full of love. It seems that happily ever after does exist. I couldn’t be more grateful.

  8. Shanti - Germany 01/06/2022at01:41

    Primal changed my view to my whole childhood story, turning it upside down. For the first time long neglected painful parts of my childhood came into the light, it was/is painful to let go of old beliefs about my parents and see the true motive about the way they brought me up. Even it is very painful, it is worth encountering the truth, it gives a sense of owning my life and building more trust towards myself, my inner child, and trough it to live a more authentic life. Bela and her loving helpers created a very safe space.

  9. Sidney - The Netherlands 30/05/2022at21:13

    Last week I came back from the Primal Deconditioning Intensive workshop led by Bela Dubbelman. Words cannot truly describe this mind-blowing and lifechanging experience. It has been an unbelievable, incredibly intense week but worth every minute, penny, drop of sweat and tears.
    Finally the curtain dropped and I could see all my unhealthy patterns and childish behavior I had been acting on most of my teenage and adult life.
    After connecting with my inner child I also found the connection with myself again. Feeling an immense love and gratitude for all.
    Bela is a blessing and a true gift. With her presence, intuition and coaching skills she cuts right through the bullshit. But always with an open heart and from a space of love and compassion. I cannot thank Bela and her wonderful team of helpers enough. The love and support they gave was extraordinary and priceless. I would highly recommend this workshop to anyone who is ready to find the truth within themselves.

    Lots of love,

  10. Nidhi - Denmark 27/05/2022at19:25

    In 2009 I did my primal in Pune, India with Bela. Even though I was 35 years, in many ways it was like meeting myself for the first time in that precious connection with my inner child. The pure natural child being born before conditioning of parents, teacher, society etc.
    I started to see more clearly how my wounded child was acting out in my life and my relationship, and it started a discovery journey which is hard to put in words how grateful I am for it.
    After primal I felt more alive, honest, and free. I started to take more responsibly for myself, my own happiness and not blaming others or life itself. That is for me a life in freedom!
    Since then, I have been assisting in 5 primal’s of which one last week in Holland and each time more and more clarity and awareness about myself opens which is true gift. Of all the inner work I have done, which is a lot, primal with Bela is by far the deepest and most insightful.

  11. Agyana - Denmark 26/05/2022at22:55

    For me Primal shifted something inside, it made me realize my true pain and life patterns. I trust that this is only the beginning and I couldn’t have started to feel so clear and connect with myself in this level without Bela and Primal. This is a forever reminder that the deeper I dig the more I found, both sadness and gold in many layers.

  12. Erica - Netherlands 23/07/2021at23:51

    This Primal Deconditioning Intensive course is a great way to connect deeply with your inner child, get more insight into your conditioning and learn how to integrate the wounded parts of yourself with your wise and loving self. Highly recommended!


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