
Primal Mirror

How did your parents mirror you in childhood and what is it you had to repress to receive their love? Recognizing when our childhood movie takes over, we can mobilize the adult part inside us and come back to what is natural and healthy.

Looking in the mirror of the past; recognizing the false identifications from childhood

“From childhood we are taught that be a good man. Nobody teaches us to be a true person.”  Osho

As children we develop a series of false identities or masks in response to the expectations and projections of those we depend on for survival. Over time these roles become autonomous and start to run our lives. We move between these roles with little or no awareness when we get triggered by external events in our woundedness.

Wounding happens when we are not seen and loved unconditionally as children. The wounded child inside us is a powerful and convincing identification which can keep us stuck in defense mode and, when triggered, we start to act out the same childhood movie from our past.


In Primal Mirror we learn to bring in awareness so we can recognize when we are triggered and can step out of the unhealthy identifications from childhood. We start to listen and accept ourselves instead of remaining stuck by criticizing ourselves or blaming others. We begin to heal our wounded inner child by giving it the love and reassurance it needs – from our own adult resources.

You can attend this course when you are newly exploring the concept of the inner child or when you are familiar with your inner child, to reconnect again with this immensely resourceful part inside us.

Reclaiming and healing our inner child allows us to regain the spontaneous joy and wonder of life. It is the essential journey of life to become a child again – healed, whole and awake.

“Watching the mind, being aware of the mind — without choosing any side, choicelessly being aware — that is the secret.”  Osho


  • To understand the realm of our inner child.
  • Learning the difference between the witness, the adult, the wounded child, and the natural, healthy inner child.
  • What to do when you get identified with your wounded inner child?
  • How to strengthen the adult part inside you and, by doing so, have the tools to change your present experiences.
  • Meditative techniques that allow you to move beyond your conditioning into being – into who you are at your very core.


  • A live 3-day residential course starting the evening before
  • Thursday we start at 16:00. After registration and settling in the venue, we have an OSHO Active Meditation to arrive and unwind from the travel. Dinner will be served and there is time to connect and chill-out with the other participants
  • Friday, Saturday and Sunday: approximately 12 hours per day with regular breaks including OSHO Dynamic and OSHO Kundalini Meditations
  • Various techniques to explore issues related to your childhood and how these are influencing your present life
  • Sharing in the group and Q&A with the facilitator
  • Osho insights and quotes about early childhood conditioning

Participants may only sign up for the Primal Mirror after completing an application form, which is part of the process and thus confidential. To receive this form, please write to the organizer of the course expressing your interest in the course.
Each participant needs to return this application form to Bela before the start of the course or you will not be able to register for the course.

“Parents, because of their own investment – business, politics, religion, philosophy – are less interested in the potential of the child. They are more interested in how to mold the child so that he fits in their world, becomes respectable in their world, is not an outcast, is not a misfit. All this arises out of good intentions, but the result is not good. It is almost slaughtering the child, destroying, killing him. Most of his potential will always remain only potential. He will never be even aware what treasures he has brought with his life. He will die and those treasures will remain unopened.”  Osho.

Inner Child Work Online

How many of us have really been welcomed and raised in the way we were meant to be?
How hard have you tried to adapt to the wishes and expectations placed upon you as a child and in that process losing yourself without feeling love or even no longer feeling a purpose in your life anymore?
Our Inner Child is closely connected to all that is real about us and because of this it makes us feel immensely sensitive and vulnerable when we reconnect again with this part inside us.
This course is a healing process to uncover the layers of hurt that prevents us to be in close connection to our inner child.

Finding your way home again and having a sense of belonging

“This small child will grow up with a personality which others have given to him. And because of this personality, sooner or later a dreadful anxiety and anguish will be born in him – because he is phony. Anguish is born out of phoniness.
Bliss can only be born from truth, from that which is your true nature.”

Our true nature consists of an individual unique set of essential qualities. Qualities like innocence, purity, wonder, trust, playfulness, joy, aliveness, courage, and more.

It is essential for us as adults to reconnect again with our inner child to heal the vacuum, emptiness, sadness, anger, and frustration we experience when we lose the connection with ourselves and life itself.

“In my vision, in a real human society, nothing will be imposed on the child – nothing at all. Not that the child will be left all alone to himself. No, he will be helped, but nothing will be imposed. He will be helped to remain whole; he will be helped to remain rooted in the essence. He will not be forced to shift his consciousness from the essence to the personality. The future education will not be an education in personality, it will be an education in essence.” Osho

In a safe and loving atmosphere, we will invite our inner child to make itself visible again in its true nature and in doing so reconnecting again to our aliveness and spontaneity.

Meditative awareness will support us to distinguish between what is learned behavior and what comes out of our own experienced understanding.

“A real education will make the child more meditative, so he never loses contact with his inner being. There is every possibility to lose because he will be moving with others, he will start imitating others. He will have to learn many things from others. Let him learn, but let him become aware that he is not to become an imitator.

“But that is just what is being done, and has been done down the ages. We teach children to become imitators: “Be like Jesus. Be like Socrates. Be like Buddha.” The child can only be truly himself and nobody else – ever. And whatsoever he will try to become will be false and phony.” Osho

Participants may only sign up for the Inner Child Work Online course after completing an application form, which is part of the process and thus confidential. To receive this form, please write to the organizer of the course expressing your interest in the course.

Feeling oneness within oneself brings us closer to meditation which in its turn allows us to feel oneness with that what surrounds us – the existence. Out of this we experience wholeness and wellbeing, we feel at ease and in flow with life itself.


  • How to start taking care of this immensely vulnerable part inside us
  • How to listen and learn to understand the language of our inner child
  • How to care for our inner child in our day-to-day life
  • That in meditation we are closest to our childlike nature


  • A LIVE online 2-day course. Saturday and Sunday
  • Saturday approximately 9 hours online with regular breaks away from the computer screen
  • Sunday approximately 11 hours online with regular breaks away from the computer screen
  • Different OSHO Active Meditations
  • Various loving and playful techniques to explore your inner child
  • Alone time with your inner child
  • Group processes and group sharing
  • Osho quotes and insights about our childhood conditioning
  • Q&A sessions with facilitator

“If you teach a child meditation you are not indoctrinating him. You don’t say he has to believe anything, you simply invite him to an experiment in no-thought. No-thought is not a doctrine, it is an experience. And children are very, very capable because they are very close to the source. They have just come from God! They still remember something of that mystery. They have just come from the other world, they have not yet forgotten it completely. Sooner or later they will forget, but still the fragrance is around them. That’s why all children look so beautiful, so graceful. Have you ever seen an ugly child?”  Osho

Primal Deconditioning Session

Our inner child is the source of joy and spontaneity in our lives but may be crippled by negative self-beliefs – from the times in our childhood when we were forced to compromise in order to survive. In this session you will learn to overcome negative self-beliefs, to discard the habit of fear, and to become whole, conscious, and fully alive.

Healing the inner child – reconnecting with your innocence and integrity

“Whatever you have been told by the society that you are – discard it.” Osho

As children we depended entirely on others to fulfill our needs with our need for love being the most fundamental of all. Out of the fear of being deprived of love we tried to conform to the expectations of others. As a result, we lost integrity and became inauthentic. Our natural spontaneous responses were buried under conditioned habits. As Osho says: “What are you? Just watch, and you will find a bundle of old habits. You don’t yet have anything more. That’s the whole effort of meditation: to bring something more to your life which is not a habit, something which is spontaneous, something which is nonmechanical, something which transforms you from a robot into a conscious being.”


“There must be more to life than this” sang the man who had everything – fame, adulation, heaps of money… Sadly, he died before realizing that he was searching for meaning in the wrong direction.
If you are still carrying the wounds of your childhood conditioning you will never find fulfillment. You can distract yourself from your inner discontent by throwing yourself into any number of competitions that promise you your 15 minutes of fame; you can join the race to die with the most toys; or you can postpone the idea of fulfillment altogether by attempting to be “good”, to live in such a way as to please some god or other so as to get rewarded in the next life.
Phooey! All soap bubbles! There is more to life than you have ever dreamed of. Don’t miss the opportunity to find out what that more is. You won’t regret it.


“Remember that at the deepest core of your being you still have the eyes of a child – wondering, inquiring, full of the mystery of life, surprised at each and everything, surprised at ordinary things.” Osho

Our negative self-judgments arise from the knowledge that, in the powerlessness of childhood we betrayed our own clarity of vision – our ability to mirror reality, undistorted – by pretending we didn’t see the hypocrisy around us. Over time, we forgot that we were pretending – we became unconscious of our true nature as perfect mirrors of reality. In a very real sense, we went to sleep. Fortunately, we can wake up. We can retrieve the memories of self-betrayal, own them, forgive ourselves and reconnect with our innate clarity of vision.

To support the process of reconnecting with your inner child, we will use simple, but effective, techniques such as:
• intuitive dialogue
• gestalt
• mirroring
• guided regression

You will learn how to recognize when you are reacting from the habits of the past and to move instead into the clarity of the here and now. This is what is meant by embracing the inner child. In that clarity you will find the gentle strength, the joy, and the clear-eyed innocence that comes with being at one with yourself and existence. You will learn ways to relax into this space in your daily life – it can become your home again – with the added dimension of gratitude, for paradise regained.


• A LIVE online session of 90 minutes. You can book one session, though a series of sessions is recommended
• Support to experience the powerful transformation of emotion and distress that occurs when you move to the space of witnessing – watching with self-compassion and without judgment
• All your questions and concerns responded to with love and respect
• Directions regarding OSHO Meditations that may support you at this stage of your journey

Osho’s guidance is that primal work is specifically designed for those from western cultures with western conditioning.

“Happiness is the function of your consciousness when it is awake, unhappiness is the function of your consciousness when it is asleep. Unconsciousness is your mirror burdened with much dust and luggage, and the past. Happiness is when the burden has been dropped and the mirror is found again; your mirror can again reflect the trees and the sun and the sand and the sea and the stars. When you have again become innocent, when you again have the eyes of a child – in that clarity you are happy.” Osho

Primal Mirror Online

How did your parents mirror you in childhood and what is it you had to repress to receive their love? Recognizing when our childhood movie takes over, we can mobilize the adult part inside us and come back to what is natural and healthy.

Looking in the mirror of the past; recognizing the false identifications from childhood

“From childhood we are taught that be a good man. Nobody teaches us to be a true person.”  Osho

As children we develop a series of false identities or masks in response to the expectations and projections of those we depend on for survival. Over time these roles become autonomous and start to run our lives. We move between these roles with little or no awareness when we get triggered by external events in our woundedness.

Wounding happens when we are not seen and loved unconditionally as children. The wounded child inside us is a powerful and convincing identification which can keep us stuck in defense mode and, when triggered, we start to act out the same childhood movie from our past.


In Primal Mirror Online we learn to bring in awareness so we can recognize when we are triggered and can step out of the unhealthy identifications from childhood. We start to listen and accept ourselves instead of remaining stuck by criticizing ourselves or blaming others. We begin to heal our wounded inner child by giving it the love and reassurance it needs – from our own adult resources.

You can attend this course when you are newly exploring the concept of the inner child or when you are familiar with your inner child, to reconnect again with this immensely resourceful part inside us.

Reclaiming and healing our inner child allows us to regain the spontaneous joy and wonder of life. It is the essential journey of life to become a child again – healed, whole and awake.

“Watching the mind, being aware of the mind — without choosing any side, choicelessly being aware — that is the secret.”  Osho


  • To understand the realm of our inner child.
  • Learning the difference between the witness, the adult, the wounded child, and the natural, healthy inner child.
  • What to do when you get identified with your wounded inner child?
  • How to strengthen the adult part inside you and, by doing so, have the tools to change your present experiences.
  • Meditative techniques that allow you to move beyond your conditioning into being – into who you are at your very core.


  • A LIVE online, 3-day course
  • Friday: approximately 10 hours online with regular breaks away from the computer screen, including OSHO Kundalini Meditation
  • Saturday and Sunday: approximately 12 hours online with regular breaks away from the computer screen, including OSHO Dynamic and OSHO Kundalini Meditations
  • Various techniques to explore issues related to your childhood and how these are influencing your present life
  • Sharing in the group as a whole and in breakout rooms
  • Osho insights and quotes about early childhood conditioning

Participants may only sign up for the Primal Mirror Online after completing an application form, which is part of the process and thus confidential. To receive this form, please write to the organizer of the course expressing your interest in the course.
Each participant needs to return this application form to Bela before the start of the course or you will not be able to register for the course.

“Parents, because of their own investment – business, politics, religion, philosophy – are less interested in the potential of the child. They are more interested in how to mold the child so that he fits in their world, becomes respectable in their world, is not an outcast, is not a misfit. All this arises out of good intentions, but the result is not good. It is almost slaughtering the child, destroying, killing him. Most of his potential will always remain only potential. He will never be even aware what treasures he has brought with his life. He will die and those treasures will remain unopened.”  Osho.

AFH – The OSHO Freedom Process

With his profound understanding of the conditioned mind, and of the transforming power of meditation, Osho reframed the Fisher-Hoffman Process, an egocentric system; transforming it into what he called the Anti-Fisher-Hoffman Process.

AFH – The OSHO Freedom Process is a profound, twelve-day de-conditioning process that reconnects people with their roots and frees them from their past

This deep work enables us to liberate ourselves from any source of conditioning, be it from family, religion or society.

“My effort here is to destroy all conditioning – Hindu, Mohammedan, Christian, Jewish … it does not matter what kind of conditioning you are carrying; I want you to drop it. It is a weight.
And through all the therapies, I am trying to do something else which the West has not understood yet. Through therapies they try to bring you to normal humanity. Their psychoanalysis brings people to what they call sanity.
My therapies – and all the psychoanalytic methods used here – have a different purpose. It is not to make you into normal, average, so-called sane people: it is to cleanse you of all traps, all theories, all religions, all kinds of conditionings. All these therapies here are deprogramming you and leaving you free, without any program.
The negative part is being done by the therapies – they destroy your programming. And the positive part is done by meditation.”

In our childhood we have always been directed to be, and to behave, in a way that was acceptable to our parents and society, rather than to be true to ourselves.
This has created a layer of conditioning and a false self which masks our true essence and hinders us from living a rich and full life – in our work, in our relationships and in our creativity.
When we look inward, we have no idea who we truly are; we find instead a deep longing to find love and freedom.

AFH – The OSHO Freedom Process opens us to an understanding of how our conditioning has been created and how it has been passed down from generation to generation. From this understanding comes freedom, grace, and responsibility for our own lives.

“And if you can risk, totally risk, not preserving anything, not playing tricks with yourself, not withholding anything, suddenly the unknown envelops you. And when it comes you become aware that it is not only the unknown, it is the unknowable. It is not against the known, it is beyond the known. To move in that darkness, to move in that uncharted place without any maps and without any pathways, to move alone into that absolute, the quality of the warrior is needed.
Many of you still have a little of it left because you were once children; you were all warriors, you were all dreamers of the unknown. That childhood is hidden but it cannot be destroyed; it is there, it still has its own corner in your being. Allow it to function; be childlike and you will be warriors again. That’s what I mean.”

The process is mostly residential, in silence and in isolation, with only a limited number of participants.
Pre-requisite: Primal Deconditioning and emotional release work recommended.

Admission is by a series of interviews that start from 6 months prior to the start of the course.

For a pre-interview write to Kala

You will need to arrive in the OSHO International Meditation Resort, Pune at least one week before the process starts.