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Primal Deconditioning Intensive

An intense residential primal process that uses various regression and emotional release techniques to work on the conditioning that got formed in the first 7 years of our lives – the blueprint of which we become, unconsciously, as adults.

Freeing oneself from life-negative conditioning – for a more authentic lifestyle

“All personality is false. Good personality, bad personality, the personality of a sinner and the personality of a saint – all are false. You can wear a beautiful mask or an ugly mask, it doesn’t make any difference. The real thing is your essence.”  Osho

Conditioning is given to us by parents, family, teachers, and society – it is a learned behavior. It fuels all that is false about us by maintaining the personality – a mask. This in turn disconnects us from our individuality and intrinsic essence – the place inside us where we feel at home, connected and at ease.

“Parental conditioning is the greatest slavery in the world. It has to be completely uprooted; only then will man be able to be really free for the first time, truly free, authentically free – because the child is the father of man. If the child is brought up in a way that is wrong, then the whole of humanity goes wrong.”  Osho

This process works through the layers of our personality which manifest as self-destructive behavior, addictions, and co-dependency issues.

We use different techniques, to re-connect with the healthy child within us – to set it free from the “hypnosis” of the past. And we will experience how meditation allows us to acknowledge our wounds while we remain in a space that is essentially untouched by them.

“Whatever is repressed will have to be witnessed; whatever is buried inside will have to be faced. Wherever we have made ourselves blind, we will have to create eyes. We will have to undo the things we were taught to do as children and redo them in a totally different manner. We will have to return to that point in our childhood at which our energy was stolen. This is why all religiousness is nothing but the reclaiming of childhood.”  Osho

Meditation on a daily basis will embed this new freedom into our daily lives allowing us to maintain a healthier and more fulfilled life – living the truth of who we are each moment.


When we were not mirrored and accepted by our parents and/or caregivers in our true selves as a child, we had to cut off from our true potential. We had to build up a protective layer in order not to feel the pain of that. This layer became so strong over time that most of us completely forgot our essential qualities.

In Primal Deconditioning Intensive, through regression, gestalt therapy, rebirthing, and other techniques we find the way back to our true selves. Addressing the false beliefs about ourselves, we start to re-parent our “inner child”, we no longer need to act out its wounds in our present day-to-day life. And learning to distinguish the past from the present enables us to respond instead of reacting to life’s situations. We regain the natural flow of living our life according to our unique potential.


  • How to step out of the vicious circle of self-destructive behavior, addictions, and co-dependency issues
  • Learning to recognize our internalized parental voices
  • How to take responsibility for our own woundedness
  • To distinguish between the witness, the adult, the wounded child, and the natural, healthy inner child.
  • To understand that the only change can happen from within oneself
  • Meditative techniques that allow us to move beyond our conditioning – into being who we truly are


  • A live 6 or 7-day residential course running over approximately 18-hours per day
  • Daily practice of OSHO Dynamic and OSHO Kundalini Meditations
  • Different techniques to explore the issues that prevent us to live our life as we want to
  • Silence and isolation outside the group sharings
  • Daily homework and introspection exercises
  • Osho insights and quotes about early childhood conditioning
  • Q&A with the facilitator

Participants may only sign up for the Primal Deconditioning Intensive after completing an application form, which is part of the process and thus confidential. To receive this form, please write to the organizer of the course expressing your interest in the course.
Each participant needs to return this application form to Bela before the start of the course or you will not be able to register for the course.

“So, the first, the most important thing, is the innocence of the sage. It is like the innocence of the children – but only like. The innocence of children is bound to be corrupted, but the innocence of the sage cannot be corrupted anymore – he has passed through that phase. His innocence has maturity, his innocence has integrity; his innocence is earned – he deserves it.”  Osho