Our inner child is the source of joy and spontaneity in our lives but may be crippled by negative self-beliefs – from the times in our childhood when we were forced to compromise in order to survive. In this session you will learn to overcome negative self-beliefs, to discard the habit of fear, and to become whole, conscious, and fully alive.

Healing the inner child – reconnecting with your innocence and integrity

“Whatever you have been told by the society that you are – discard it.” Osho

As children we depended entirely on others to fulfill our needs with our need for love being the most fundamental of all. Out of the fear of being deprived of love we tried to conform to the expectations of others. As a result, we lost integrity and became inauthentic. Our natural spontaneous responses were buried under conditioned habits. As Osho says: “What are you? Just watch, and you will find a bundle of old habits. You don’t yet have anything more. That’s the whole effort of meditation: to bring something more to your life which is not a habit, something which is spontaneous, something which is nonmechanical, something which transforms you from a robot into a conscious being.”


“There must be more to life than this” sang the man who had everything – fame, adulation, heaps of money… Sadly, he died before realizing that he was searching for meaning in the wrong direction.
If you are still carrying the wounds of your childhood conditioning you will never find fulfillment. You can distract yourself from your inner discontent by throwing yourself into any number of competitions that promise you your 15 minutes of fame; you can join the race to die with the most toys; or you can postpone the idea of fulfillment altogether by attempting to be “good”, to live in such a way as to please some god or other so as to get rewarded in the next life.
Phooey! All soap bubbles! There is more to life than you have ever dreamed of. Don’t miss the opportunity to find out what that more is. You won’t regret it.


“Remember that at the deepest core of your being you still have the eyes of a child – wondering, inquiring, full of the mystery of life, surprised at each and everything, surprised at ordinary things.” Osho

Our negative self-judgments arise from the knowledge that, in the powerlessness of childhood we betrayed our own clarity of vision – our ability to mirror reality, undistorted – by pretending we didn’t see the hypocrisy around us. Over time, we forgot that we were pretending – we became unconscious of our true nature as perfect mirrors of reality. In a very real sense, we went to sleep. Fortunately, we can wake up. We can retrieve the memories of self-betrayal, own them, forgive ourselves and reconnect with our innate clarity of vision.

To support the process of reconnecting with your inner child, we will use simple, but effective, techniques such as:
• intuitive dialogue
• gestalt
• mirroring
• guided regression

You will learn how to recognize when you are reacting from the habits of the past and to move instead into the clarity of the here and now. This is what is meant by embracing the inner child. In that clarity you will find the gentle strength, the joy, and the clear-eyed innocence that comes with being at one with yourself and existence. You will learn ways to relax into this space in your daily life – it can become your home again – with the added dimension of gratitude, for paradise regained.


• A LIVE online session of 90 minutes. You can book one session, though a series of sessions is recommended
• Support to experience the powerful transformation of emotion and distress that occurs when you move to the space of witnessing – watching with self-compassion and without judgment
• All your questions and concerns responded to with love and respect
• Directions regarding OSHO Meditations that may support you at this stage of your journey

Osho’s guidance is that primal work is specifically designed for those from western cultures with western conditioning.

“Happiness is the function of your consciousness when it is awake, unhappiness is the function of your consciousness when it is asleep. Unconsciousness is your mirror burdened with much dust and luggage, and the past. Happiness is when the burden has been dropped and the mirror is found again; your mirror can again reflect the trees and the sun and the sand and the sea and the stars. When you have again become innocent, when you again have the eyes of a child – in that clarity you are happy.” Osho

Date and Timing

Available dates and timings will be communicated with you via email once you book a session HERE You can mention your date and time preference under “comments”.

After this, I will send you PayPal, Wise, and Bank information together with your session appointment confirmation email.

Chamber of Commerce registration number NL: 20140184
VAT Identification Number: NL001486088B29

Duration Price Kindly Include
Paypal Feewhich is approximately € 5,- extra. Wise is an option too
Kindly Include
Bank Feerefer to your bank's abroad payment costs policy
60 minutes Euro 90,- Your tree will be planted via Tree-Nation
90 minutes Euro 100,- Your tree will be planted via Tree-Nation
120 minutes - Couple Session Euro 135,- Your tree will be planted via Tree-Nation

Affiliated with: CAT – Collective Alternative Therapists

Complaint and disciplinary law

I am registered as a CAT (Collective Alternative Therapists) therapist under Wkkgz-right of complaint and disciplinary law in the dispute resolution body GAT (Disputes Alternative Therapists). GAT is a national recognized and fully independent Wkkgz disputes Committee in the Netherlands, however for complaints from abroad there is until further notice no complaint procedure.

New European privacy law
The General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) applies as of 25 May 2018. This is a new European privacy law. As a result, privacy is the same in all countries of the EU. Now the member states still have their own national laws.

The General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) thus replaces the old Personal Data Protection Act (Wbp), which prescribes that healthcare providers properly secure medical records. For example, they must ensure that only authorized persons have access to a patient’s file.
The AVG lists a number of mandatory measures that a therapist has to meet because they record data in client-files.

To support a good treatment, it is necessary that I, as your therapist, make notes and keep them in a encrypted digital file. This is also a statutory duty imposed by the Medical Treatment Contracts Act (W

Storage period
These details in the client file, as required by the law on the treatment agreement (WGBO), are retained for 15 years.

Patients’ rights
The rights of patients with their medical records are secured partly in the WGBO, and partly in the Wbp. Patients have the right to view their medical records and to request correction, addition or destruction of their files.

What exactly is saved
Your file contains notes about your personal details, health status and short notes of the date and course of the treatments performed. For courses this consists of the questionnaire and any additional questions.

In the file, data are also included, if necessary, that are necessary for your treatment and that I have requested, after your explicit consent, from a care provider, e.g. from your (other) therapist or general practitioner.

Who sees what
As your attending therapist, I have sole access to the data in your file. I have a legal duty of confidentiality (professional secrecy).

When a course is organized abroad, and translation is necessary, the organizer and translator have access to the data and they work under a signed mutual duty of confidentiality.

The data from your file can also be used for the following purposes:
1.    To inform other health care providers, for example if the therapy has been completed or with a referral to another therapist. This only happens with your explicit permission.
2.    For the anonymized use during peer review.
3.    A limited part of the data from your file can be used for the financial administration, so that I can draw up an invoice.
4.    The invoice is, if necessary, consulted with my tax advisor for making the annual tax return and any tax inspection.
If I want to use your data for another reason, I will first inform you and ask your permission explicitly.


  1. Charlotte, Psychologist, Germany 04/05/2023at10:59

    There always was this voice in my head, constantly criticizing, questioning and doubting everything I did. Sometimes loudly, sometimes just very very subtly. The work I did in Primal and 1:1 sessions with Bela allowed me to be able to silence this voice. Now my life gets to be peaceful, happy and full of love. It seems that happily ever after does exist. I couldn’t be more grateful.

  2. Florina, Leadership Coach, Germany 14/08/2022at16:28

    Working with Bela in Primal Deconditioning sessions has been one of the best things I chose in years. It is appropriate for those who want to find themselves. I finally made peace with my childhood, understood how I want to live and how to move on. A life changing experience, as I was ready to let go. Bela gently guided me through the unsolved past.