This 2-day weekend course is an in-depth, yet soft and playful opportunity to discover and connect with your Inner Child.
Through various methods and explorations, you will get to feel and come to understand how your experiences from the past are still coloring your day-to-day life.
Unlock the potential that is this hidden treasure our Inner Child.
This course is equally valuable for people who have never done anything before related to Inner Child Work, as well as for those who like to spend the weekend reconnecting again with this precious part inside each of us.
An act of self-love and coming closer to oneself.
This process is supported by OSHO Active Meditations.
Click here Inner Child Work Online
Dates: 1-2 July 2023
The course will be held in English.
Price: write to Anando
The number of participants is limited to ensure the quality of the interactiveness that this kind of course requires.
Saturday Amsterdam time zone:
08:50-09:00 Entering waiting room
09:00-13:15 course structure including tea/restroom break
13:15-14:00 lunch break
14:00-17:15 course structure including tea/restroom break
17:15-18:30 OSHO Kundalini Meditation including instructions
18:30-19:00 Round up of the day

Sunday Amsterdam time zone:
06:50-07:00 Entering waiting room
07:00-08:15 OSHO Dynamic Meditation including instructions
08:15-09:30 breakfast and shower (in silence)
09:30-13:00 course structure including tea/restroom break
13:00-14:00 lunch break
14:00-16:00 course structure including tea/restroom break
16:00-17:30 OSHO Nadabrahma Meditation including instructions
17:30-18:30 Round up of the weekend
Participants can only sign up for the Inner Child Work Online course after filling out an application form. This application form is part of the process and thus confidential.
To receive this form, please write a message to Anando expressing your interest in the course.
Don’t miss this opportunity and apply soon!
Anando & Bela

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