
Primal Mirror

How did your parents mirror you in childhood and what is it you had to repress to receive their love? Recognizing when our childhood movie takes over, we can mobilize the adult part inside us and come back to what is natural and healthy.

Looking in the mirror of the past; recognizing the false identifications from childhood

“From childhood we are taught that be a good man. Nobody teaches us to be a true person.”  Osho

As children we develop a series of false identities or masks in response to the expectations and projections of those we depend on for survival. Over time these roles become autonomous and start to run our lives. We move between these roles with little or no awareness when we get triggered by external events in our woundedness.

Wounding happens when we are not seen and loved unconditionally as children. The wounded child inside us is a powerful and convincing identification which can keep us stuck in defense mode and, when triggered, we start to act out the same childhood movie from our past.


In Primal Mirror we learn to bring in awareness so we can recognize when we are triggered and can step out of the unhealthy identifications from childhood. We start to listen and accept ourselves instead of remaining stuck by criticizing ourselves or blaming others. We begin to heal our wounded inner child by giving it the love and reassurance it needs – from our own adult resources.

You can attend this course when you are newly exploring the concept of the inner child or when you are familiar with your inner child, to reconnect again with this immensely resourceful part inside us.

Reclaiming and healing our inner child allows us to regain the spontaneous joy and wonder of life. It is the essential journey of life to become a child again – healed, whole and awake.

“Watching the mind, being aware of the mind — without choosing any side, choicelessly being aware — that is the secret.”  Osho


  • To understand the realm of our inner child.
  • Learning the difference between the witness, the adult, the wounded child, and the natural, healthy inner child.
  • What to do when you get identified with your wounded inner child?
  • How to strengthen the adult part inside you and, by doing so, have the tools to change your present experiences.
  • Meditative techniques that allow you to move beyond your conditioning into being – into who you are at your very core.


  • A live 3-day residential course starting the evening before
  • Thursday we start at 16:00. After registration and settling in the venue, we have an OSHO Active Meditation to arrive and unwind from the travel. Dinner will be served and there is time to connect and chill-out with the other participants
  • Friday, Saturday and Sunday: approximately 12 hours per day with regular breaks including OSHO Dynamic and OSHO Kundalini Meditations
  • Various techniques to explore issues related to your childhood and how these are influencing your present life
  • Sharing in the group and Q&A with the facilitator
  • Osho insights and quotes about early childhood conditioning

Participants may only sign up for the Primal Mirror after completing an application form, which is part of the process and thus confidential. To receive this form, please write to the organizer of the course expressing your interest in the course.
Each participant needs to return this application form to Bela before the start of the course or you will not be able to register for the course.

“Parents, because of their own investment – business, politics, religion, philosophy – are less interested in the potential of the child. They are more interested in how to mold the child so that he fits in their world, becomes respectable in their world, is not an outcast, is not a misfit. All this arises out of good intentions, but the result is not good. It is almost slaughtering the child, destroying, killing him. Most of his potential will always remain only potential. He will never be even aware what treasures he has brought with his life. He will die and those treasures will remain unopened.”  Osho.

Inner Child Work Online

How many of us have really been welcomed and raised in the way we were meant to be?
How hard have you tried to adapt to the wishes and expectations placed upon you as a child and in that process losing yourself without feeling love or even no longer feeling a purpose in your life anymore?
Our Inner Child is closely connected to all that is real about us and because of this it makes us feel immensely sensitive and vulnerable when we reconnect again with this part inside us.
This course is a healing process to uncover the layers of hurt that prevents us to be in close connection to our inner child.

Finding your way home again and having a sense of belonging

“This small child will grow up with a personality which others have given to him. And because of this personality, sooner or later a dreadful anxiety and anguish will be born in him – because he is phony. Anguish is born out of phoniness.
Bliss can only be born from truth, from that which is your true nature.”

Our true nature consists of an individual unique set of essential qualities. Qualities like innocence, purity, wonder, trust, playfulness, joy, aliveness, courage, and more.

It is essential for us as adults to reconnect again with our inner child to heal the vacuum, emptiness, sadness, anger, and frustration we experience when we lose the connection with ourselves and life itself.

“In my vision, in a real human society, nothing will be imposed on the child – nothing at all. Not that the child will be left all alone to himself. No, he will be helped, but nothing will be imposed. He will be helped to remain whole; he will be helped to remain rooted in the essence. He will not be forced to shift his consciousness from the essence to the personality. The future education will not be an education in personality, it will be an education in essence.” Osho

In a safe and loving atmosphere, we will invite our inner child to make itself visible again in its true nature and in doing so reconnecting again to our aliveness and spontaneity.

Meditative awareness will support us to distinguish between what is learned behavior and what comes out of our own experienced understanding.

“A real education will make the child more meditative, so he never loses contact with his inner being. There is every possibility to lose because he will be moving with others, he will start imitating others. He will have to learn many things from others. Let him learn, but let him become aware that he is not to become an imitator.

“But that is just what is being done, and has been done down the ages. We teach children to become imitators: “Be like Jesus. Be like Socrates. Be like Buddha.” The child can only be truly himself and nobody else – ever. And whatsoever he will try to become will be false and phony.” Osho

Participants may only sign up for the Inner Child Work Online course after completing an application form, which is part of the process and thus confidential. To receive this form, please write to the organizer of the course expressing your interest in the course.

Feeling oneness within oneself brings us closer to meditation which in its turn allows us to feel oneness with that what surrounds us – the existence. Out of this we experience wholeness and wellbeing, we feel at ease and in flow with life itself.


  • How to start taking care of this immensely vulnerable part inside us
  • How to listen and learn to understand the language of our inner child
  • How to care for our inner child in our day-to-day life
  • That in meditation we are closest to our childlike nature


  • A LIVE online 2-day course. Saturday and Sunday
  • Saturday approximately 9 hours online with regular breaks away from the computer screen
  • Sunday approximately 11 hours online with regular breaks away from the computer screen
  • Different OSHO Active Meditations
  • Various loving and playful techniques to explore your inner child
  • Alone time with your inner child
  • Group processes and group sharing
  • Osho quotes and insights about our childhood conditioning
  • Q&A sessions with facilitator

“If you teach a child meditation you are not indoctrinating him. You don’t say he has to believe anything, you simply invite him to an experiment in no-thought. No-thought is not a doctrine, it is an experience. And children are very, very capable because they are very close to the source. They have just come from God! They still remember something of that mystery. They have just come from the other world, they have not yet forgotten it completely. Sooner or later they will forget, but still the fragrance is around them. That’s why all children look so beautiful, so graceful. Have you ever seen an ugly child?”  Osho

OSHO Primal Mirror Online

Find the support you need to free yourself from the childhood traumas and conditioning that prevent you from living a free, creative, and authentic life. When we feel and see our conditioning and pain clearly, we become free of it – free to allow who we really are to flourish. We are much greater and more wonderful than we think. A chance to set yourself free!

Breakthrough to the essential you

“When a child is born, he does not bring the ego into the world. The ego is something that he learns, it is not part of genetics.”  Osho

Growing up is a process of forming a separate identity in response to our environment. Even at its most benign, the conditioning that helps bring about our sense of identity is based on a falsehood, the illusion of separation. Competition and fear flourish in the soil of this lie, opening us up to exploitation by those who provide us with a sense of safety. The price we pay for this security is to be molded by a series of do’s and don’ts that undermine our self-responsibility and cut us off from our true, spontaneous nature.

“All thoughts are borrowed: they also are given to you by the society; they too have come from others. You have learned them. In reality, you are the untaught that is within you. You are only consciousness, not the thoughts. Thoughts are like waves over you. Just as rubbish floats on the surface of a river, so are thoughts. But you are the river, the stream of consciousness.”  Osho

Osho’s guidance is that primal work is specifically designed for those from western cultures with western conditioning.
Participants may only sign up for the Primal Mirror course after completing an application form, which is part of the process and thus confidential. To receive this form, please write to Bela expressing your interest in the course.
Each participant needs to return this application form to the same email address before the start of the course or you will not be able to register for the course.


We can succumb to the past, or we can revolt against it, but both reactions keep us trapped. Instead, we can explore our conditioning and, by seeing it clearly in the mirror of consciousness, become free of it – free to allow who we really are to flourish.

We will use self-enquiry techniques such as mirrorwork, expression through drawing and writing, and share our experiences in the group as a whole and in Zoom breakout rooms. This combination of self-enquiry and group sharing will allow you to open up and connect deeply with yourself in a safe and trusting atmosphere.

Your experienced facilitator will help you to clearly see the entangling emotions, beliefs and identifications that are keeping you trapped.


  • To understand the realm of your Inner Child
  • The difference between your Natural Inner Child and your Wounded Inner Child
  • What to do when you get identified with your Wounded Inner Child
  • How to strengthen the adult part inside you and, by doing so, have the tools to change your present experiences
  • Meditative techniques that allow you to move beyond your conditioning into being – into who you are at your very center


  • A LIVE online, 3-day course.
  • Friday approximately 10 hours online with regular breaks away from the computer screen, including OSHO Kundalini Meditation.
  • Saturday and Sunday approximately 12 hours online with regular breaks away from the computer screen, including OSHO Dynamic and Kundalini Meditations
  • Various techniques to explore issues related to your childhood and how these are influencing your present life
  • Osho insights and quotes about early childhood conditioning
  • Q&A sessions with your facilitator
  • OSHO Active Meditations

“As you go on removing the layers… And layer means identification with something you are not. Identification is taking yourself to be what you are not. To break the identification with what you are not, is meditation. Meditation is the key. By and by, only what you really are remains.”  Osho

OSHO Born Again

This is a one-week process created by Osho to rediscover the beauty of childhood without verbalizing or analyzing our past psychological experiences.

The course includes one hour of allowing yourself to just be a child again, and one hour of silent sitting together as a group.

For the first hour you behave like a child. Just enter your childhood. Whatever you wanted to do, do it – dancing, singing, jumping, crying, weeping – anything at all, in any posture. Nothing is prohibited except touching other people. Don’t touch or harm anyone else in the group.


Once upon a time we were all real! Just naturally ourselves. When we wanted to laugh, we laughed. When we wanted to cry, we cried. When we were angry, we were angry. We danced and jumped and shrieked with delight. Playfulness was our essence. We lived in innocence, knowing nothing, except what we needed in that moment.

We were very small and needed the love of others, it was our only security. The price for that love was that we started “growing old,” rather than just naturally maturing and “growing up.” The day we became good boys and girls was a catastrophe. We stopped growing – we became artificial, unnatural, serious….

Also, the world around us was so exciting and we wanted to go “out” and discover everything, and so we became so knowledgeable about everything except ourselves. In the process we forgot who we really are, and lost the innate ability of relaxing into not-knowing.

Now is our chance to take ourselves back to that same fork in the road. This time we can consciously choose to take the path of playfulness, innocence, naturalness, laughter… rediscovering our originality, individuality, and freedom. And once we are on the road of authenticity, then finding ourselves, finding our center, finding our own inner joy will happen by itself.

Then follows the hour of just sitting silently. You will be fresher, more innocent, and meditation will become easier.


“You are using awareness without being aware of it, but only about outside things. It is the same awareness that has to be used for the inside traffic. When you close your eyes there is a traffic of thoughts, emotions, dreams, imaginations; all kinds of things start flashing by.


“What you have been doing in the outside world, do exactly the same with the inside world and you will become a witness. And once tasted, the joy of being a witness is so great, so otherworldly that you would like to go more and more in…. From unawareness to awareness is the greatest quantum leap.” Osho


“This great experiment through which we are passing is basically to achieve your lost childhood again. When I say, ‘your lost childhood,’ I mean your innocence, your eyes full of wonder, knowing nothing, having nothing, but yet feeling yourself at the top of the world. Those golden moments of wonder, joy, no tension, no worry, no anxiety, have to be regained, rediscovered. The sage is nothing but the circle that started in your birth coming full way, complete, back to the same point.


“This is your second childhood. You are born again. Your eyes are no longer filled with the dust of knowing. But this not-knowing is a tremendous perceptivity, a great clarity. It does not need to know, because it feels, and feeling is a higher state than knowing. As the clarity becomes more and more transparent, instead of feeling it becomes your being.” Osho




Opening to Self-Love

An opportunity to confront the internalized negative voices we have been collecting since childhood. Understanding that the self-doubts and judgments we have about ourselves are rooted in these same voices, allows us to question them. From this clarity we learn to step out of this superego attack. Using awareness to reframe internally what truly belongs to us and what we are made to believe about ourselves by others and the society.

Just being ordinary and loving yourself for it!

“Once you are incapable of loving yourself, you will never be able to love anybody. That is an absolute truth, there are no exceptions to it. You can love others only if you are able to love yourself.” Osho

We live in a world that honors only prestige, and our schooling systems teach us competition and comparison. Children are judged by using shame and guilt. We learn from very early onwards to reject ourselves, because rarely are we loved just for who we are.

Our self-doubts and judgments are sustained in the learned behavior of comparing ourselves with others. With self-love we become less and less self-centered. We no longer need to prove that we are better, bigger, more beautiful, or intelligent then others. We can just relax in who we are.

Group sharing allows us to see that we all have similar beliefs that get in the way of our self-acceptance and that we are all sensitive, human, and worthy of love.

“Real love knows nothing of the ego. Real love starts first as self-love.
“Naturally, you have this body, this being, you are rooted in it; enjoy it, cherish it, celebrate it. There is no question of pride or ego because you are not comparing yourself with anybody. Ego comes only with comparison. Self-love knows no comparison; you are you, that’s all. You are not saying that somebody else is inferior to you, you are not comparing at all. Whenever comparison comes, know well it is not love; it is a trick somewhere, a subtle strategy of the ego.” Osho


Opening to Self-Love is a beautiful opportunity to gain an insight into the ways we reject ourselves, and to see that everyone has the same beliefs and fears that stop us from being loving and compassionate to ourselves and others.

With a clear understanding and experience of these inner mechanisms, the old habits of self-rejection and doubt begin to fade away. This allows us to open to our own intrinsic and unique beauty and to rediscover our essential value. When we open up to loving ourselves, we find that our meditation deepens and happens more easily. It also opens the way for positive and loving relationships with others.

“I teach you self-love. And because I teach you self-love, you have to be very alert. Self-love does not mean selfishness. Self-love is possible only if you drop the idea of the self – that is the paradox – if you unself yourself.” Osho


  • To recognize your parental and social conditioning around self-love
  • To understand that self-love makes you selfless
  • To learn how awareness unhooks you from your negative internalized voices
  • To understand the concept of the superego
  • To understand the difference between self-love and being obsessed with oneself
  • That meditation is an act of self-love


  • A live 3-day course. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
  • Friday: approximately 10 hours with breaks including OSHO Kundalini Meditation
  • Saturday and Sunday: approximately 12 hours with breaks including OSHO Dynamic and OSHO Kundalini Meditations
  • Various techniques to explore your issues related to self-love
  • Individual, paired and group exercises, designed to bring our inner critics into the light of awareness
  • Osho quotes and insights about our misunderstandings around self-love
  • Q&A sessions with facilitator

“Love starts with self-love. Don’t be selfish but be self-full – and they are two different things. Don’t be a Narcissus, don’t be obsessed with yourself, but a natural self-love is a must, a basic phenomenon. Only then out of it can you love somebody else.
“Accept yourself, love yourself, you are a creation of existence. The signature of existence is on you and you are special, unique. Nobody else has ever been like you and nobody else will ever be like you; you are simply unique, incomparable. Accept this, love this, celebrate this, and in the very celebration you will start seeing the uniqueness of others, the incomparable beauty of others. Love is possible only when there is a deep acceptance of oneself, the other, the world. Acceptance creates the milieu in which love grows, the soil in which love blooms.” Osho

Primal Mirror Online

How did your parents mirror you in childhood and what is it you had to repress to receive their love? Recognizing when our childhood movie takes over, we can mobilize the adult part inside us and come back to what is natural and healthy.

Looking in the mirror of the past; recognizing the false identifications from childhood

“From childhood we are taught that be a good man. Nobody teaches us to be a true person.”  Osho

As children we develop a series of false identities or masks in response to the expectations and projections of those we depend on for survival. Over time these roles become autonomous and start to run our lives. We move between these roles with little or no awareness when we get triggered by external events in our woundedness.

Wounding happens when we are not seen and loved unconditionally as children. The wounded child inside us is a powerful and convincing identification which can keep us stuck in defense mode and, when triggered, we start to act out the same childhood movie from our past.


In Primal Mirror Online we learn to bring in awareness so we can recognize when we are triggered and can step out of the unhealthy identifications from childhood. We start to listen and accept ourselves instead of remaining stuck by criticizing ourselves or blaming others. We begin to heal our wounded inner child by giving it the love and reassurance it needs – from our own adult resources.

You can attend this course when you are newly exploring the concept of the inner child or when you are familiar with your inner child, to reconnect again with this immensely resourceful part inside us.

Reclaiming and healing our inner child allows us to regain the spontaneous joy and wonder of life. It is the essential journey of life to become a child again – healed, whole and awake.

“Watching the mind, being aware of the mind — without choosing any side, choicelessly being aware — that is the secret.”  Osho


  • To understand the realm of our inner child.
  • Learning the difference between the witness, the adult, the wounded child, and the natural, healthy inner child.
  • What to do when you get identified with your wounded inner child?
  • How to strengthen the adult part inside you and, by doing so, have the tools to change your present experiences.
  • Meditative techniques that allow you to move beyond your conditioning into being – into who you are at your very core.


  • A LIVE online, 3-day course
  • Friday: approximately 10 hours online with regular breaks away from the computer screen, including OSHO Kundalini Meditation
  • Saturday and Sunday: approximately 12 hours online with regular breaks away from the computer screen, including OSHO Dynamic and OSHO Kundalini Meditations
  • Various techniques to explore issues related to your childhood and how these are influencing your present life
  • Sharing in the group as a whole and in breakout rooms
  • Osho insights and quotes about early childhood conditioning

Participants may only sign up for the Primal Mirror Online after completing an application form, which is part of the process and thus confidential. To receive this form, please write to the organizer of the course expressing your interest in the course.
Each participant needs to return this application form to Bela before the start of the course or you will not be able to register for the course.

“Parents, because of their own investment – business, politics, religion, philosophy – are less interested in the potential of the child. They are more interested in how to mold the child so that he fits in their world, becomes respectable in their world, is not an outcast, is not a misfit. All this arises out of good intentions, but the result is not good. It is almost slaughtering the child, destroying, killing him. Most of his potential will always remain only potential. He will never be even aware what treasures he has brought with his life. He will die and those treasures will remain unopened.”  Osho.